Svelare la Verita Uno Sguardo Approfondito sulla Disputa Liturgica Siro-Malabarese
Svelare la Verita: Uno Sguardo Approfondito sulla Disputa Liturgica Siro-MalabareseUno Sguardo Approfondito sulla Disputa Liturgica Siro-Malabarese
- 08.01.2025
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Financial Report of the Diocese of Joliet
Social Media PagesAfter three months of being shut down, we were slowly allowed to re-open our parishes. The re-opening has been quite a process, with many requirements and tasks to be completed, all aimed at keeping everyone safe and healthy. I want to thank the pastor ...
- 13.02.2023
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What we believe about Jesus
News Reports: Visual MediaJesus Christ is God the Son, who became man for us.Jesus Christ is truly God, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son, the Eternal Word, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit always was, is, and always will be.Jesus Christ is truly man because he h ...
- 13.02.2023
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